Monday, September 30, 2013

Baby Steps

Grainline Studio

I've made a little progress on my flannel shirt.  Everything is cut out and interfaced with ProWeft supreme light (I will never use Pellon again after going to Fashion Sewing Supply interfacings - I will write a post some day on how Pellon has ruined my garments).

I've made the plackets and attached the pockets

The stitching on the pockets was a little mysterious, so I pulled out the trusty David Page Coffin book and of course, he has a very helpful image to show a few different pocket and top-stiching options.  I went with the little triangle reinforcement on the right.

I have threaded my machine with purple needle, and black bobbin, since I had a black bobbin in the machine already & I'm lazy.  This seemed like a good idea, except that it meant I needed to stitch both sides of my placket from the top.  I ended up missing part of an edge, and had to blind stitch it down by hand.  I think I'll wind a purple bobbin before I get to the collar and cuffs so I can do those correctly.

1 comment:

  1. Wingamagij,

    Great job on the Archer flannel shirt you made. I love the colors!!! It looks better than a store bought shirt & probably fits a whole lot better. Any plans to make another one? Maybe a Spring time version with short sleeves or add a button on each pocket. I'll revisit your blog soon to check back. Anita C.
